Wa Today photo WA Today attended the exclusive “STYLE YOUR HAIR” App Launch on 9th October 2012. Proud owners Rachel Walker & Emmanuelle Torres host the event. Visit the WA Today website to view more photos of the launch. Click to view
Android App available to download TODAY!!! Apple apps are just around the corner. Style Your Hair App Chilli Couture AU$2.99 Buy Description Learn how to Style Your Hair at home with over 40 videos made by professionals. Style Your Hair is the ultimate hair teacher app created for you to learn how to… Continue reading Style Your Hair App available on Android
Sewis Life Tumblr On the 9th October, I was invited along to attend the launch of the Style Your Hair App at a boutique salon on Brisbane street, Perth called Chilli Couture. Chilli Couture is born from the entrepreneurial spirit of two women, Rachel Walker and Emmanuelle Torres. This is a one of a kind… Continue reading Bloggers Love the “Style Your Hair” app
October has been an extremely exciting month for co-owners of Chilli Couture; Emmanuelle Torres & Rachel Walker as the Style Your Hair smartphone/tablet app comes available for download and the launch party takes place. The very glamorous Style Your Hair app launch was held on Tuesday 8th October at Chilli Couture, 3/117 Brisbane Street Perth.… Continue reading Style Your Hair app launch 9th October 2012
Chilli Couture was featured in Western Australian Business News dated October 2012 featuring our mobile app that aims to end bad hair days! This is gonna be amazing! See below snap of full article details.
On Friday 14th September, Chilli Couture were awarded second place for the 2012 Small Business award at the 2012 WA Training Awards. This fantastic achievement for Chilli Couture to be recognized for the exceptional training which is delivered to all staff ensuring that they are always furthering their skills to deliver only the very best… Continue reading Chilli Couture awarded 2nd place for the 2012 Small Business Award at the 2012 WA Training Awards!
Emmanuelle Torres, Jasmine Penny & Samantha Abbott had a very exciting 2 days of photo shoots & preparing models for the Chilli Couture “Hair Extension” collection. We had such beautiful models to work with and creating each individual look was so much fun. Each model had a different type of extension to show the range… Continue reading Hair Extensions Photo Shoot at Chilli Couture
The Chilli Couture team recently attended the Telstra Western Australia 2012 Business Awards. The black tie event was held at the Hyatt Regency, Perth. Although we did not win this year, we are still very proud to be finalists in the Small Business Award and People’s Choice categories. The Telstra Australian Business Awards is extremely… Continue reading The Chilli Couture team attended Telstra Western Australia 2012 Business Awards
For the full list of the finalists, see below In announcing the finalists, Telstra Business Group managing director Will Irving said it was clear that the best small businesses had taken to the internet and were using it to gain a business advantage. Out of the 23 finalists, almost three-quarters of those with a business… Continue reading Chilli Couture mentioned as Finalist for Telstra Small Business Awards in Perth Now.