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Hair Extensions in Summer Withstand the Aussie Sun, Sand, & Surf
Hair Extensions in Summer Withstand the Aussie Sun, Sand, & Surf

Hair Extensions in Summer: Withstand the Aussie Sun, Sand, & Surf

If “high maintenance” or “too hot and heavy” is the first thing that comes to mind when you’re contemplating getting hair extensions for the summer, hear us out!

Hair extensions in the summer are 100% worth it.

If you choose the right kind of hair extensions and take care of them in the right way, your locks will look full and fabulous with no discomfort and minimal maintenance, all summer long!

Choose Your Extensions Type Wisely

Which hair extensions work better in summer? Tape-ins and weaves, or clip-ins?

Clip-ins can be handy for one-off occasions but can look more obvious as hair extensions – especially when you want to tie your hair up or go swimming on a hot summer day – and can feel quite bulky and heavy on your head.

Weaves and tape-ins are the ultimate hair extension choices for the warmer months: unlike clip-ins, they’re invisible (even when you tie your hair up into a pony), lightweight, waterproof and sweat-proof – which makes them reusable, lasting all summer.

Prepare for Swimming

You don’t have to totally avoid swimming in the Summer if you have hair extensions! Although, we do strongly advise not getting your hair wet with sea or pool water, as this can damage the extension hair and loosen the grips for tapes, weaves and clip-in extensions. Clips can also be prone to rust, if using metal clips. If you’re going for a dip with hair extensions, it’s worth tying your hair up in a high bun, just to keep them out of the water when possible.

If Your Extensions Happen to Get Wet

We don’t recommend getting your hair extensions wet with pool or salt water, however we do understand that they may accidentally get wet from time to time. The building up of styling products on pool or salt-water-ridden extensions can cause them to lose their silkiness and shine and using heated styling products can act like a fryer and damage your extensions, potentially discolouring them. To keep them damage-free and to avoid unnecessary extra hair stylist appointments, make sure you wash your tape-in extensions properly with a quality salon shampoo before applying any styling products or heat after a day at the pool or beach. 

Wash Hands After Using Lotions

The grip of tape-ins or clip-ins can become loosened if exposed to facial creams or sunscreen too often. We’re not saying not to use moisturiser or sunscreen; just make a point of washing off any extra lotion on your hands after applying, so that your hair extensions don’t get lotion all over them (you’d be surprised at how many times a day you run your hands through your hair!).

Brush Regularly

Channel your inner Marcia Brady and brush your hair every day; this is even more important as a daily ritual if you have extensions, especially during summer. It’s worth getting an extension-friendly brush from your hair salon, one with looped bristles that glide through your hair instead of pulling at your extensions. It can also help to hold the tape-in while you’re brushing, to avoid any unnecessary yanking.

Prevent Dryness

Extensions are prone to losing their silkiness in the summer with all the heat, humidity and saltwater, so a nourishing serum is key for making sure they don’t tangle, go frizzy, or dry out – but take note: only apply the serum to the lengths and ends, not the roots or base of the extensions, as this can damage them.

Use Sun Spray

A silicone coating spritz, used sparingly, can help to protect your extensions and your actual hair against damaging UV rays. This will keep them nourished and moisturised, and your locks looking pool-party-ready.

Perth Hair Salons for Hair Extensions

If you’re leaning towards getting hair extensions but want to make sure yours are done right and look natural, head to Chilli Couture – the hair extension specialists in Perth! Contact us today for some summer hair TLC.